Smart rebalance is one of the kinda new features offered by many Centralized exchanger (CEX). And it has come to my liking during bull run u can cover many tokens than just run 1 single token with 1 bot. Because most tokens/coins price do not move parallel to each other, it will automatically buy at low, sell at high each coins in order to rebalance the proportion that you have preset.
But this strategy works best during bullrun. During bearish period, when all coins go down, u will still see decline of the portfolio worth. Usually i use this bot for coins that i have high convictions on them i would HODL them for long.
Here, I just wanna share smart rebalance bots from 2 different CEX. They are from Kucoin and BitGet. The following are the snapshots of the running bot after 60days.
I started out with Bitget first, then after several hours, i decided to make comparison with Kucoin. I ran them for two months. I chose BTC, ETH, LINK, ARB and each are set to maintained value 25% of the total value of the bot. As u can see, Kucoin outperformed Bitget by over 20% profit.
Kucoin profited 42%, while Bitget at around 19%. There were times Bitget outperformed Kucoin during the earlier phase. But as the bull period started to set in, the gap became wider and wider.
Generally, both CEX have advantage features i like that not available on the other. Like for example i prefer Bitget to run spot grid bot than Kucoin, because of its user friendly interface.
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